Friday, November 4, 2011

Working on the Kick

I have been doing a lot of kick development lately. It is the foundation of all strokes, and a huge emphasis for all of our younger groups. Our kids have developed better kicks, which in turn has led to better strokes as doing slower strokes is easier once they can kick. After a lot of observation of younger groups and swimmers in my group that aren't as good at kicking, I have realized something that I haven't focused on enough, and that is the up kick. The down kick is a focus as it teaches them how the ankle flexes and how to push the water downward, and that is probably the best place to start, but the up kick is what provides that consistent propulsion and a quicker kick as it keeps a disruption of the water tension on the surface of the water.

I have tried to emphasize lately, trying to feel the water with the bottom of the foot, and bring deep water to the surface. The foot will then break the surface of the water with toes at an upward angle, as then it is prepared in a propulsive position for the down kick. Warning: don't let the foot rise too high out the water as then they are bending the knee and creating resistence, and creates the majority of the down kick to be kicking air rather than water (have you ever stood on a skateboard and tried to move by pushing the air with your hands and arm? Pushing air isn't that propulsive).

Breaking the surface tension and keeping moving water at the feet is important. The leg doesn't have to work so hard to enter the water and the force can be used to push water downward rather than forcing down to break the surface tension. This allows for more propulsion and a quicker kick.

The up kick creates a faster kick and more consistent propulsion, it is very important in both the freestyle and butterfly kicks. Backstroke it is the down kick that is the focus as the body is turned over. Feeling the water with the bottom of the foot will also help as they learn the breaststroke kick as learning the pushing of the water with the bottom of the foot.

We want to develop better kicks as it is very important for long term success in the sport. Kicking isn't the only important part, but it is very important aspect to swimming.

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