Thursday, October 13, 2011

2500 Pageviews!

Wow, It hasn't even been a year that I have had this blog up. It started slow, and it definitely went through a down spot in the spring, but it really has picked up steam this summer, and really began to be read in the last two months. I had, and kind of still don't, have a true direction for this blog. It doesn't provide to a specific niche, but rather a broad audience of people in the area of swimming. With this broad base, I felt like it wouldn't be a blog where a lot of people would read a lot, but that it would get a pageview every once in awhile.

I am to the point now with this blog that I try my best to keep putting up something on the blog. Since the pageviews have skyrocketed, I think that I have become much better at keeping up with the blog. It seems that everyone who follows this blog seems to appreciate the fact that I do keep putting up entries. I know that not every blog pertains to each reader, but now as I am doing regular entries, I think that the reader will have something to read that may pertain to them within the numerous blogs that I do.

I will continue to post up blogs for all those who do follow this blog, and I hope that you continue to read and take something away from this blog. I think I slowed down because I felt like people weren't taking anything away from it, but now that I feel like I may actually be helping others, I am more inclined to continue to post.

Thank You to all who read, and I hope that I provide some information to all of you.

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