Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Before Practice

It was the part I remember so much. The time before practice. Showing up 15 minutes early, and playing a game when we were younger. Un-organized and slightly chaotic, but it was fun. As we got older it became the time where you could socialize with your teammates and do a little stretching before the workout. It was where many memories were made and friendships developed. It wasn't a long time, but it was just enough before we went to work in the workout.

Some days I watch my swimmers as they are in the grassy area at Rancho-Simi, or the other day they were just outside the gate. All of them socializing or playing. It is just pure play, nothing to tell you what you have to do. Games that are based of being fair even though there isn't someone watching over the rules.

I feel like this time is so important. Some days I give them a few extra minutes for this time. I am letting stragglers come in, and not miss something, but many times I am just watching as my swimmers are continuing this part of creating friendships in swimming. It will be these people who later on will be your teammates that you suffer through hard stenuous workouts. They are the ones that you will create an even stronger bond with, as they can relate to the pain of main set, or an all out swim.

Trying to allow some chaos at this time, and then asking for their attention during the workout portion. It gives them that time to grow with their teammates without being a part of the organized workout. I feel like it is important, and I am so glad to see it in my swimmers.

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