Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Monday's Main Set

So this year I have decided to be a little different. I always do aerobic work, but this time I am doing it differently than I have in previous years. I felt like I was guilty of possibly not getting enough aerobic into my groups workouts, so I am trying to increase the aerobic work for my group who is in that really important stage where aerobic work is very important to their swimming, and long term success.

I did a test set where the swimmers swam 9 x 200 freestyle. I had one group swim it on the 3:30 and another group on the 3:20 (pretty sure the interval will get slightly faster the next time I do the set).

The 200's were swam with different a emphasis on each one:
#1 = Pace
#2 = Pace
#3 = Negative Split
#4 = Pace
#5 = Pace
#6 = Negative Split
#7 = Pace
#8 = Pace
#9 = FAST for Time

I managed to catch a few on each of the negative split 200's to catch honesty to the set. I had most of them doing a negative split, but a few were even splits, which showed that they were trying they were just a little off.

The Fast 200, I recorded the times of all the swimmers. The results were interesting. I felt like most were good, but there were a few bad ones. A few were really good though. We have a meet this weekend, which I believe many of them are swimming the 200 Free. I look forward to seeing how they translate. It's hard to compare to best times, as most are from so long ago. I tried comparing to Long Course Conversion, but I have never been a fan of any conversion time.

Next time, the interval will be faster, as I realized the pace 200's need a little less rest between them. It was a good set for my group, as they are not used to sets like this one. Interested in seeing how the extra aerobic this season translates to the races.

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