So, normally I treat the short course season as a single long training season. I find myself lost in this planning as I had a championship meet in the middle of a training cycle. I look at my last three seasons and I feel like I have done well with these seasons, but come a little short on the results between WAG and Coastal Champs.
Now I am trying a new plan of attack for my training cycle. I made the fall season into a 16 week training cycle, and now I have an 11 week winter training cycle that will end with the Coastal Champs meet. In this approach I have scheduled a holiday break and what I plan to do with that schedule with days off. I think the shorter cycle allowed me to focus on the difficulty which is the winter season.
The cycle again begins with stroke work and aerobic development. Then there is a perfect fit to do the main work between meets, so that the swimmers will be prepared to swim well at our last meet before coastal champs, and then fine tune for the coastal champs meet. The coastal champs meet also falls in perfectly for the HS swimmers to begin HS meets and become unattached for the spring, and turn their focus to the HS season.
Always looking for a better way to prepare and develop my group, and I am excited about this new approach. I feel like I am more in the game, and not wondering if I should be doing something else or if my plan back in August still seems to be going well.
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