I think this is where we miss the boat the most in USA Swimming. When is the time that most people are thinking about swimming? It is the summer time. Most teams should be getting new kids interested in joining their team in the summer. What season are we in though at this time? Long Course Season. So, if our newbies want to compete, they go and get intimidated by this huge pool.
Many Summer Leagues are successful because of how our system is set up. I am sure there are some LSC's that are already ahead of the game and offer a series of Short Course Meets, but SoCal we are just beginning. I am excited to help bring this to our area, and excited that we are looking to develop senior swimming; develop age-group swimming; but also understand that we need a grassroots system as well.
It is still a work in progress, but it is getting there. We still have some kids who attend these meets who should not be these meets doing their best events. My feeling is that once you have achieved around that National BB time you are ready to doing some Long Course Meets. Leave the short course meets in the summer to those swimmers who are new to the sport, or who don't normally have success at regular short course meets in the fall.
I really think that small local meets that have slower or newer swimmers that are short course can help develop the developing swimmer enjoy the sport, and possibly become a swimmer for the next level of competition. We have to think about all levels, and this is one that is very important.
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